Aan ���nee��� wil Ollongren niet denken

Aan ‘nee’ wil Ollongren niet denken

InterviewOnschuldige Nederlanders hoeven zich écht geen zorgen te maken over de nieuwe inlichtingenwet, zegt minister Kajsa Ollongren van Binnenlandse Zaken. ONGELOOFLIJK TOCH?? Maar wat als uit het referendum een ‘nee’ rolt? ,,Daar wil ik niet op vooruitlopen.” 

Peter Winterman & Jan Hoedeman

17-03-18, 08:00

Laatste update:

Ik heb er heel veel vertrouwen in dat mensen het belangrijk vinden dat deze wet er komt
Vier dagen voor het referendum over de Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten (Wiv) zit een grote groep kiezers in twijfel. Stem ik op 21 maart voor of tegen de bekritiseerde ‘sleepwet’? Die wet geeft de geheime diensten meer bevoegdheden om telefoonverkeer, mailtjes en WhatsAppberichten af te tappen.Sinds deze week voert D66-minister Kajsa Ollongren – verantwoordelijk voor de geheime dienst AIVD – campagne. ,,Ik heb er heel veel vertrouwen in dat mensen het belangrijk vinden dat deze wet er komt”, zegt ze, verwijzend naar de laatste peilingen die een voorsprong laten zien voor het ‘ja’-kamp.

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© Pim Ras Fotografie
Kunt u zich voorstellen dat Nederlanders er moeite mee hebben dat de geheime diensten straks onbeperkt telefoons en computers mogen aftappen?,,Ik vind het belangrijk dat mensen weten dat dát dus niet mag. De diensten mogen niet zomaar informatie van onschuldige Nederlanders onderscheppen. Je moet je voorstellen: er is sprake van dreiging, bijvoorbeeld uit het buitenland. De diensten gaan dan zoeken naar contacten tussen die plek en Nederland. Alles wat niet relevant is, wordt eruit gefilterd en gewoon weggegooid. Daar zitten dus geen mails bij van onschuldige burgers, van u of van mij. De geheime diensten zijn daar totaal niet in geïnteresseerd.”
Waarom is het nodig om de bevoegdheden van de geheime diensten uit te breiden?,,Nederland kent dreiging: terrorisme, economische spionage, digitale aanvallen. De technologie is enorm veranderd sinds 2002, het jaar waarin de vorige inlichtingenwet werd ingevoerd. In die tijd was internet nog maar net in opkomst. De diensten mogen nu al ongericht informatie uit de lucht halen. Als het uit de ether kan worden geplukt, dan doen ze dat. Maar nu gaat alle informatie via de kabel, omdat we met smartphones communiceren via apps, we gebruiken wifi-hotspots. De diensten mogen nu niet ongericht aftappen van de kabel, daarom is een moderne wet nodig.”

De smartphone bestaat al heel lang. Het is toch niet zo dat diensten nu niet via de kabel aftappen? Dan zijn we al jaren zeer kwetsbaar.,,Dat doen de diensten alleen als ze een persoon of instelling op de korrel hebben van wie dreiging uitgaat. Dan mogen ze, het moet natuurlijk wel proportioneel zijn, gericht gaan hacken of anderszins afluisteren. Ook als die informatie op zijn computer of smartphone staat. Maar ongericht aftappen mag nu niet op de kabel, alleen via de ether.”

Door een toet­sings­com­mis­sie komt er een extra slot op de deur, een extra garantie dat de geheime dienst zijn werk goed doet
U zegt: vertrouw mij en vertrouw de geheime diensten. Maar wat als er over tien jaar een ander kabinet zit? Kan de kiezer erop vertrouwen dat dan geen misbruik wordt gemaakt van de nieuwe bevoegdheden?,,Ja, want we zijn een democratische rechtstaat en deze wet schept goede kaders waarin is vastgelegd wanneer een dienst bijzondere bevoegdheden mag inzetten. Niet alleen de verantwoordelijk minister moet eerst toestemming geven. Ook een onafhankelijke toetsingscommissie, die bestaat uit twee rechters en een technisch specialist. Nu is er alleen een toezichthouder die achteraf controleert of alles netjes is verlopen. Door die toetsingscommissie komt er een extra slot op de deur, een extra garantie dat de geheime dienst zijn werk goed doet.”

De geheime diensten moeten soms snel handelen. Bijvoorbeeld bij een aanslag in het buitenland en het risico dat de aanslagpleger naar Nederland komt. Is er dan wel tijd om een minister en een driekoppige commissie eerst een oordeel te laten vellen?,,Dat is een goed punt. Dat zal in de praktijk moeten blijken. We delen nu al veel informatie met het buitenland. Zo werd bij de aanslagen in Brussel een laptop gevonden met een harde schijf en een onvoorstelbare hoeveelheid informatie. Die informatie werd gedeeld met andere landen, ook met ons. Een aanslagpleger liep nog rond en kon op een trein naar Amsterdam, Keulen of Londen zitten.”

Ik verwacht dat Nederland in meerderheid voor stemt. Als dat niet gebeurt, zal het kabinet die uitkomst moeten wegen
Zijn u en die driekoppige commissie 24 uur per dag en zeven dagen per week bereikbaar?,,Ja, dat moet. Dat is in protocollen vastgelegd. Maar als er mensenlevens op het spel staan en er bloedspoed is, bestaat er een spoedprocedure. Dan kan de AIVD razendsnel handelen en moet de dienst achteraf uitleg geven over de noodzaak. Dat mag alleen in het geval van ernstige dreiging.”
Als de AIVD toch ongericht communicatie aftapt, zonder uw toestemming, treedt u dan af?,,Dat zal niet gebeuren. De diensten werken binnen de wet. En we hebben in Nederland een goede traditie dat het werk van de geheime diensten – voor- en achteraf – wordt ingeperkt door de wet.”
Veel Nederlanders weten niet waar het referendum over gaat. Neemt u dat zichzelf kwalijk?,,Ik denk dat er nu veel over wordt gesproken en geschreven. Dat is goed. Ik probeer op allerlei manieren over te brengen wat de wet betekent. Tegen Nederlanders wil ik zeggen: informeer jezelf zo goed mogelijk en ga stemmen.”

Als een meerderheid woensdag ‘nee’ zegt, haalt u dan de scherpe kantjes van de inlichtingenwet af?,,Ik verwacht dat Nederland in meerderheid voor stemt. Als dat niet gebeurt, zal het kabinet die uitkomst moeten wegen. Daarover zullen we in debat gaan met de Tweede Kamer.”

CDA-leider Sybrand Buma zei eerder dat het kabinet een ‘nee’ zou negeren. Is dat ook uw plan?,,De heer Buma zit in de Tweede Kamer, hij mag zijn mening op dat punt geven. Ik vind het belangrijk dat we dit proces stap voor stap doorlopen. Dit kabinet houdt zich aan de wet op het raadgevend referendum. En die wet zegt dat wij een ‘nee’ moeten overwegen. Dat zullen we dan ook doen.”
Hoe lang duurt dat ‘overwegen’? Daar kun je in vijf minuten mee klaar zijn, toch?,,Ik denk niet dat we het in vijf minuten zullen doen. Daar staan geen termijnen voor. Je moet er natuurlijk even de tijd voor nemen.”
Kan het zijn dat het kabinet helemaal niets doet bij een tegenstem en de wet onveranderd invoert?,,Daar wil ik nu niet op vooruitlopen.”
‘Inlichtingenwet vergroot risico op hack’

Waar Ollongren vraagt om vertrouwen, waarschuwt een groep van ruim dertig cybersecurity-onderzoekers, computerwetenschappers en veiligheidsdeskundigen vandaag in een open brief voor de gevolgen van de sleepwet. Wanneer door de Wiv op grote schaal data van burgers worden verzameld en bewaard, zou het risico op hacks groeien, waardoor gevoelige gegevens op straat kunnen komen te liggen.
Delen met Amerika en Groot-Brittannië
Zeker als data worden gedeeld met Amerikaanse en Britse veiligheidsdiensten is het risico groot, zeggen de ondertekenaars: ,,Beide landen hebben een rijke geschiedenis van datalekken bij de overheid.”
Ook vragen ze zich af of het gebruiken van het ‘sleepnet’ wel zo effectief is in de strijd tegen terrorisme. Met grootschalige datavergaring worden ‘lone wolves’ er niet uitgepikt. Ook blijkt achteraf vaak dat aanslagplegers allang bekend waren bij geheime diensten, aldus de deskundigen.

Onder de ondertekenaars van het stuk zijn de hoogleraren Herbert Bos (VU Amsterdam), Eleni Kosta (Tilburg University), Tanja Lange en Jan Smits (TU Eindhoven).

Aan ���nee��� wil Ollongren niet denken

Zou ze het zelf echt geloven? Zo naïef zal ze toch niet zijn …. Conclusie: …. ? Ongelooflijk.

Kajsa Ollongren © Pim Ras Fotografie

Aan ‘nee’ wil Ollongren niet denken

Interview | Onschuldige Nederlanders hoeven zich écht geen zorgen te maken over de nieuwe inlichtingenwet, zegt minister Kajsa Ollongren van Binnenlandse Zaken. Maar wat als uit het referendum een ‘nee’ rolt? ,,Daar wil ik niet op vooruitlopen.”

Peter Winterman & Jan Hoedeman

17-03-18, 08:00

Laatste update:

  • 28

  • M

Ik heb er heel veel vertrouwen in dat mensen het belangrijk vinden dat deze wet er komt

Vier dagen voor het referendum over de Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten (Wiv) zit een grote groep kiezers in twijfel. Stem ik op 21 maart voor of tegen de bekritiseerde ‘sleepwet’? Die wet geeft de geheime diensten meer bevoegdheden om telefoonverkeer, mailtjes en WhatsAppberichten af te tappen.

Sinds deze week voert D66-minister Kajsa Ollongren – verantwoordelijk voor de geheime dienst AIVD – campagne. ,,Ik heb er heel veel vertrouwen in dat mensen het belangrijk vinden dat deze wet er komt”, zegt ze, verwijzend naar de laatste peilingen die een voorsprong laten zien voor het ‘ja’-kamp.

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    Alles wat je moet weten over het Wiv-referendum in 20 vragen

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© Pim Ras Fotografie

Kunt u zich voorstellen dat Nederlanders er moeite mee hebben dat de geheime diensten straks onbeperkt telefoons en computers mogen aftappen?
,,Ik vind het belangrijk dat mensen weten dat dát dus niet mag. De diensten mogen niet zomaar informatie van onschuldige Nederlanders onderscheppen. Je moet je voorstellen: er is sprake van dreiging, bijvoorbeeld uit het buitenland. De diensten gaan dan zoeken naar contacten tussen die plek en Nederland. Alles wat niet relevant is, wordt eruit gefilterd en gewoon weggegooid. Daar zitten dus geen mails bij van onschuldige burgers, van u of van mij. De geheime diensten zijn daar totaal niet in geïnteresseerd.”

Waarom is het nodig om de bevoegdheden van de geheime diensten uit te breiden?
,,Nederland kent dreiging: terrorisme, economische spionage, digitale aanvallen. De technologie is enorm veranderd sinds 2002, het jaar waarin de vorige inlichtingenwet werd ingevoerd. In die tijd was internet nog maar net in opkomst. De diensten mogen nu al ongericht informatie uit de lucht halen. Als het uit de ether kan worden geplukt, dan doen ze dat. Maar nu gaat alle informatie via de kabel, omdat we met smartphones communiceren via apps, we gebruiken wifi-hotspots. De diensten mogen nu niet ongericht aftappen van de kabel, daarom is een moderne wet nodig.”

De smartphone bestaat al heel lang. Het is toch niet zo dat diensten nu niet via de kabel aftappen? Dan zijn we al jaren zeer kwetsbaar.

,,Dat doen de diensten alleen als ze een persoon of instelling op de korrel hebben van wie dreiging uitgaat. Dan mogen ze, het moet natuurlijk wel proportioneel zijn, gericht gaan hacken of anderszins afluisteren. Ook als die informatie op zijn computer of smartphone staat. Maar ongericht aftappen mag nu niet op de kabel, alleen via de ether.”

Door een toet­sings­com­mis­sie komt er een extra slot op de deur, een extra garantie dat de geheime dienst zijn werk goed doet

U zegt: vertrouw mij en vertrouw de geheime diensten. Maar wat als er over tien jaar een ander kabinet zit? Kan de kiezer erop vertrouwen dat dan geen misbruik wordt gemaakt van de nieuwe bevoegdheden?
,,Ja, want we zijn een democratische rechtstaat en deze wet schept goede kaders waarin is vastgelegd wanneer een dienst bijzondere bevoegdheden mag inzetten. Niet alleen de verantwoordelijk minister moet eerst toestemming geven. Ook een onafhankelijke toetsingscommissie, die bestaat uit twee rechters en een technisch specialist. Nu is er alleen een toezichthouder die achteraf controleert of alles netjes is verlopen. Door die toetsingscommissie komt er een extra slot op de deur, een extra garantie dat de geheime dienst zijn werk goed doet.”

De geheime diensten moeten soms snel handelen. Bijvoorbeeld bij een aanslag in het buitenland en het risico dat de aanslagpleger naar Nederland komt. Is er dan wel tijd om een minister en een driekoppige commissie eerst een oordeel te laten vellen?

,,Dat is een goed punt. Dat zal in de praktijk moeten blijken. We delen nu al veel informatie met het buitenland. Zo werd bij de aanslagen in Brussel een laptop gevonden met een harde schijf en een onvoorstelbare hoeveelheid informatie. Die informatie werd gedeeld met andere landen, ook met ons. Een aanslagpleger liep nog rond en kon op een trein naar Amsterdam, Keulen of Londen zitten.”

Ik verwacht dat Nederland in meerderheid voor stemt. Als dat niet gebeurt, zal het kabinet die uitkomst moeten wegen

Zijn u en die driekoppige commissie 24 uur per dag en zeven dagen per week bereikbaar?
,,Ja, dat moet. Dat is in protocollen vastgelegd. Maar als er mensenlevens op het spel staan en er bloedspoed is, bestaat er een spoedprocedure. Dan kan de AIVD razendsnel handelen en moet de dienst achteraf uitleg geven over de noodzaak. Dat mag alleen in het geval van ernstige dreiging.”

Als de AIVD toch ongericht communicatie aftapt, zonder uw toestemming, treedt u dan af?
,,Dat zal niet gebeuren. De diensten werken binnen de wet. En we hebben in Nederland een goede traditie dat het werk van de geheime diensten – voor- en achteraf – wordt ingeperkt door de wet.”

Veel Nederlanders weten niet waar het referendum over gaat. Neemt u dat zichzelf kwalijk?
,,Ik denk dat er nu veel over wordt gesproken en geschreven. Dat is goed. Ik probeer op allerlei manieren over te brengen wat de wet betekent. Tegen Nederlanders wil ik zeggen: informeer jezelf zo goed mogelijk en ga stemmen.”

Als een meerderheid woensdag ‘nee’ zegt, haalt u dan de scherpe kantjes van de inlichtingenwet af?

,,Ik verwacht dat Nederland in meerderheid voor stemt. Als dat niet gebeurt, zal het kabinet die uitkomst moeten wegen. Daarover zullen we in debat gaan met de Tweede Kamer.”

CDA-leider Sybrand Buma zei eerder dat het kabinet een ‘nee’ zou negeren. Is dat ook uw plan?

,,De heer Buma zit in de Tweede Kamer, hij mag zijn mening op dat punt geven. Ik vind het belangrijk dat we dit proces stap voor stap doorlopen. Dit kabinet houdt zich aan de wet op het raadgevend referendum. En die wet zegt dat wij een ‘nee’ moeten overwegen. Dat zullen we dan ook doen.”

Hoe lang duurt dat ‘overwegen’? Daar kun je in vijf minuten mee klaar zijn, toch?

,,Ik denk niet dat we het in vijf minuten zullen doen. Daar staan geen termijnen voor. Je moet er natuurlijk even de tijd voor nemen.”

Kan het zijn dat het kabinet helemaal niets doet bij een tegenstem en de wet onveranderd invoert?

,,Daar wil ik nu niet op vooruitlopen.”

‘Inlichtingenwet vergroot risico op hack’

Waar Ollongren vraagt om vertrouwen, waarschuwt een groep van ruim dertig cybersecurity-onderzoekers, computerwetenschappers en veiligheidsdeskundigen vandaag in een open brief voor de gevolgen van de sleepwet. Wanneer door de Wiv op grote schaal data van burgers worden verzameld en bewaard, zou het risico op hacks groeien, waardoor gevoelige gegevens op straat kunnen komen te liggen.

Delen met Amerika en Groot-Brittannië

Zeker als data worden gedeeld met Amerikaanse en Britse veiligheidsdiensten is het risico groot, zeggen de ondertekenaars: ,,Beide landen hebben een rijke geschiedenis van datalekken bij de overheid.”

Ook vragen ze zich af of het gebruiken van het ‘sleepnet’ wel zo effectief is in de strijd tegen terrorisme. Met grootschalige datavergaring worden ‘lone wolves’ er niet uitgepikt. Ook blijkt achteraf vaak dat aanslagplegers allang bekend waren bij geheime diensten, aldus de deskundigen.

Onder de ondertekenaars van het stuk zijn de hoogleraren Herbert Bos (VU Amsterdam), Eleni Kosta (Tilburg University), Tanja Lange en Jan Smits (TU Eindhoven).

EDEx2018 – Educational Design Expedition 2018

So, What IS the Future of Work? – EdSurge News

So, What IS the Future of Work?

By Sydney Johnson     Aug 31, 2017

So, What IS the Future of Work?
From left to right: Carlos Watson, Joelle Emerson, Anant Agarwal, Harry Elam Jr.

Check Out the EdSurge Digital Learning Network

Let’s Go!

For many attending the Future of Work symposium on Wednesday, there wasn’t any question whether automation is going to take over jobs—but rather when, and how education should respond.

Hosted at Stanford University, the day-long event brought together dozens of minds who are thinking about what careers and skills students need to prepare for, and how an increasingly digital higher-education system will need to adapt to help get them there. Speakers including edX CEO Anant Agarwal, associate dean and director of Stanford’s Diversity and First-Gen office Dereca Blackmon, and Deborah Quazzo, a co-founder of investment firm GSV, shared their ideas on what that might look like.

Here are a few major themes we heard throughout the day:

Online courses will supplement, but not replace in-person ones

For many speakers, challenges such as tuition costs and changing workforce demands due to automation have made online courses—and for some, alternative credentials—an appealing solution. Their idea is that as jobs come and go, online platforms will be quicker than current higher-ed systems to offer training to more people.

Of course, some of the biggest champions for digital supplement courses were those creating them. Agarwal, who is also a professor at MIT, told the audience he envisions a future where students do not pay $50,000 for a college tuition, but instead “get a subscription to college” through which students might continuously acquire skills throughout their career.

I’m excited about seeing the value of arts and humanities come back in the coming years because there are some things robots cannot do

Farouk Dey

However, Coursera vice president Julia Stiglitz added that even platforms like her company’s likely won’t eliminate the traditional college model. “I don’t think the Coursera experience will replace what happens in a residential [college] experience,” she said in a panel about college majors. “I think what changes if you have all that content online freely accessible, though, is what kind of pressure gets put on the institutions… about what you should be getting out of each of these experiences.”

Arts & creativity will be in high demand

Panelists expressed concerns about not just how automation will impact manufacturing jobs, but software and computer-based careers as well. If programming and software development—today’s most in-demand and highest-paying careers, are replaced by robots—will “re-skilling” and “upskilling” be necessary in the future? Perhaps not, argued some. Instead, creative and critical-thinking skills may be even more valuable.

“I’m excited about seeing the value of arts and humanities come back in the coming years because there are some things robots cannot do,” said Farouk Dey, the dean of career education at Stanford. In a morning panel, Harry Elam Jr., senior vice provost for education at Stanford, gave an even stronger stance: “Arts are going to save the world.” 

Even those coming from the corporate world tended to agree with Dey. Students currently invest a lot of money to get a computer science degree, “when that [career] might in 10 years from now be done by a computer,” noted Coursera CEO Jeff Maggioncalda. “[A CS degree] might not be the best investment for your money… I would love to see an undergrad [system] that gets more towards the liberal arts.”

Others pointed out this idea didn’t come from futurists, but rather something liberal arts colleges have long strived for:

Inclusiveness is imperative to success

“Effective learning around diversity and inclusion needs to be at the heart of what we are doing building modern enterprises,” Quazzo, who invests in education technology companies, said in a morning panel. “It is slow and tough but I am encouraged by the conversation around diversity issues… I think we are seeing some positive shots.”

Later, Blackmon explained that diversity is not the goal—it’s what exists around us, and what companies and institutions must work to reflect. Her advice and clarification to anyone looking to change systems of work and education in the future: “Diversity is a fact, inclusion is a practice and equity is the goal.”

That resonated with the audience and other speakers on her panel, which included social entrepreneur Tomás Alvarez, journalist and activist Jenara Nerenberg, reachHire’s Addie Schwartz and Kathryn Gillam, the executive director at Stanford’s distinguished careers institute.

They also recognized that diversity can take a lot of forms: from race and gender to cognitive experiences and abilities. “The neurodiversity movement is seen as another wave of the civil rights movement,” said Nerenberg, referring to efforts to include people with differences in brain function and traits.

Employers will play a larger role providing those skills and educational opportunities

The employer is the one calling the shots since they are employing, and they will play a much bigger role in the future.

Jeff Maggioncalda

With limited and decreasing financial support from government, several speakers believed that private companies will play a bigger role in providing education and education opportunities for their employees.

“It is on the employer to provide some space for [learning],” said Kristen Swanson, Slack’s director of learning. “We provide every employee with resources for professional development so they can engage outside of the work environment.” She adds that it isn’t as simple has handing over resources: “For this to become a practice, managers had to encourage employees to do this.”

Earlier in the day Maggioncalda had similar notes to share: “The learner is trying to figure out what the employer will want, because they know that’s how they get the job. Universities have been slow to figure out… but the employer is the one calling the shots since they are employing, and they will play a much bigger role in the future.”

The government ought to step up its efforts as well, said Guy Berger, LinkedIn’s economist. “If you want someone to learn new skills, our society and government need to be willing to pour into the resources to do that. It’s not fair to ask a machinist in Wisconsin… to figure this out [alone].”

EDEx2018 intro movie – YouTube

EDEx2018 intro movie – YouTube
/ Terug NL Zoeken Zoeken Zoeken 0 EDEx2018 intro movie Informatie Shopping Dempen opheffen Als je apparaat niet snel begint met afspelen, kun je het misschien opnieuw starten. Opn. afspelen Hierna KONIEC WAKACJI Z ŁOBUZAMI Hejłobuzy Annuleren Autoplay is onderbroken KONIEC WAKACJI Z ŁOBUZAMI Hejłobuzy • 117K weergaven Live 16:43 Afspeellijst ( ) Mix (50+) Sony a9 Review: Is the HYPE real? vs a7R II, Canon 1DX II, Nikon D5, D500 Tony & Chelsea Northrup • 280K weergaven Live 18:25 Afspeellijst ( …

15 Reflection Strategies To Help Students Retain What You Just Taught Them –

15 Reflection Strategies To Help Students Retain What You Just Taught Them

15 Reflection Strategies To Help Students Retain What You Just Taught Them

by Terry Heick

Reflection is a natural part of learning.

We all think about new experiences–the camping on the car ride home, the mistakes made in a game, or the emotions felt while finishing a long-term project that’s taken months to complete.

Below I’ve shared 15 strategies for students to reflect on their learning. Modeling the use of each up front can go a long way towards making sure you get the quality of work you’d like to see throughout the year–and students learn more in the process.

This post pairs nicely with 8 Reflective Questions To Help Any Student Think About Their Learning.

15 Reflection Strategies To Help Students Retain What You Just Taught Them

1. Pair-Share

Pair-share is a classic learning strategy where students are paired, and then verbally ‘share’ something that will help them learn new content, deepen understanding, or review what they already know. It can also be used as a quick and dirty assessment tool, as the conversations generally reflect a level of understanding the teacher can use gauge mastery and plan further instruction.

2. Sentence Stem-based responses

Sentence-stems are great because they’re like training wheels–or to mix a metaphor, tools to coach students into thinking and speaking in certain patterns. For example, you can implore students to ‘think critically,’ but if they don’t have even the basic phrasing of critical thinking (e.g., ‘This is important because…’), critical thinking will be beyond their reach.

You can also see our sentence stems for critical thinking here for other examples (you don’t have to buy the materials to see the samples).

3. Layered Text

Layered text is something I’ve meant to write about for years and never have. A layered text is a digital document that is filled with hyperlinks that communicate, well, just about anything: Questions students have, opportunities for further inquiry, odd references and allusions that reflect the schema students use to make meaning, and so on. (Rap Genius does a version of this.)

By adding ‘layers’ of meaning to a text through meaningful hyperlinking, students can reflect back on anything, from a pre-assessment journal entry that demonstrated their lack of understanding, to a kind of ‘marking up’ of what they learned when, and from where.

4. Tweet

140 characters forces students to reflect quick and to the point–great for brief bursts of reflection or hesitatant writers who would struggle to write meaningful journal entries or essays.

In fact, you can combine twitter with #6 for twitter exit slips.

5. 3-2-1

3-2-1 is a tried-and-true way to frame anything from a pair-share or journal entry (e.g., ask students to write 3 things they think they know, 2 things they know they don’t know, and one thing they’re certain of about a topic) pre-assessment to a post-assessment (e.g., list three ways your essay reflected mastery of skill X, two ways skill Y still needs improving, and one way you can make your argument stronger in the next five minutes) to a reflection of the post-assessment.

6. Exit Slips

Whether you call them exit slips, exit tickets, or something I’ve never heard, asking students to briefly leave behind some residue of learning–a thought, a definition, a question–is a powerful teaching strategy. In fact, ‘exit-slip teaching’ literally drives how I use data in the classroom. Asking students to drop some bit of reflection of the learning process on a chair by the door on the way out is a no-brainer.

Some examples?

How did you respond emotionally to something you struggled with today? What did you find most surprising about _____? How did your understanding of _______ change today? What about _____ still confuses you or makes your curious?

7. Write-Around

I love write-arounds–easy ways for students to write asynchronously and collaboratively. And the writing fragments students use don’t have to be prose–certain key vocabulary and phrases can help students reflect, but most importantly in a write-around, help students learning from one another as each student is able to read other responses before creating theirs.

8. Sketch

Whether by sketch-notes or doodles, allowing students to draw what they think they know, how they believe their learning has changed, or some kind of metaphorical pathway towards deeper understanding is a great learning strategy for students that tend towards creative expression, and a non-threatening way for struggling students to at least write something down on paper you can use to gauge understand and plan your (their) next step.

9. Podcast

Through podcasting as a reflecting strategy, students will talk about their learning while recording. If you want to keep it ‘closed-circuit’ (not published), or actually push it to a public audience of some kind depends on the learning and students and privacy issues and so on.

This can also be simply an audio file recorded and uploaded to a private YouTube channel that’s shared with teachers or parents.

10. Brainstorming

Brainstorming can be an effective reflection strategy because it disarms issues with other approaches. For hesitant writers, journaling may not work beucase the writing process could overwhelm the learning. Podcasting may not work for shy students, Pair-Share may not work well if students are paired effectively, and so on.

Brainstorming is much simpler. Students could take an allotted time to write down everything they remember about a topic. Or, they could brainstorm questions they still have (things they’re confused or curious about). They could even brainstorm how what what they learned literally connects with what they already know by creating a concept map.

11. Jigsawing

Jigsawing is a grouping strategy where a task, concept, or something ‘larger’ is broken down into small puzzles pieces, and students in groups analyze the small puzzle piece, then share out to create the puzzle at large. Using this approach for reflection is seamless: Among other approaches, you can prompt students in groups to gather and share questions they have (you could group by readiness/ability, for example) in groups, and then choose one question that they weren’t able to answer among themselves with the whole class (anonymously–no one has to know who wrote the question).

12. Prezi

Think of a cross between a sketch, collage, and presentation, and you have a prezi. Engaging–though distracting and overwhelming if the reflection you need is minor–reflection tool that allows students to create an artifact of learning for their digital portfolios.

13. Vlog

This reflection strategy is close to ‘Podcasting’ and even has something in common with pair-sharing. By reflecting through vlog’ing, students simply talk about their learning to a camera.

This approach would be successful for students that love talking to a camera, but less so for others (who, if they have to talk at all about their learning, may prefer podcasting–or simply recording audio files that are never published.

14. Collage

You could do a normal collage of learning reflections, but Amultimedia collage is also possible–maybe a sketchnote with a voiceover recorded as a YouTube video to share as a quick presentation with the class (or absent students).

15. Journaling

The University of Missouri-St Louis offers 3 kinds of journals that demonstrate the different possibilities of the otherwise vanilla-sounding ‘journaling.’

1. Personal Journal – Students will write freely about their experience. This is usually done weekly. These personal journals may be submitted periodically to the instructor, or kept as a reference to use at the end of the experience when putting together an academic essay reflecting their experience. (Hatcher 1996)

2. Dialogue Journal – Students submit loose-leaf pages from a dialogue journal bi-weekly (or otherwise at appropriate intervals) for the instructor to read and comment on. While labor intensive for the instructor, this can provide continual feedback to students and prompt new questions for students to consider during the semester. (Goldsmith, 1995)

3. Highlighted Journal – Before students submit the reflective journal, they reread personal entries and, using a highlighter, mark sections of the journal that directly relate to concepts discussed in the text or in class. This makes it easier for the instructor to identify the student to reflect on their experience in light of course content. (Gary Hesser, Augsberg College)

15 Strategies For Students To Reflect On Their Learning; image attribution Flickr user woodleywonderworks

Tai Lopez Shares 7 Steps to Launch a Business With No Money or Experience


Tai Lopez Shares 7 Steps to Launch a Business With No Money or Experience

How to go from idea to paying customers in one to eight weeks.
Tai Lopez Shares 7 Steps to Launch a Business With No Money or Experience
Image credit:

Mary Delaney – The Oracles

Content Provider
A brain trust of high-level entrepreneurs

Last year, 310 out of 100,000 people on average created new businesses each month in the U.S., according to the 2017 Kauffman Index of Startup Activity. Most entrepreneurs start businesses out of opportunity rather than necessity.

We asked investor, philanthropist, and member of The Oracles, Tai Lopez, for his take on how to capitalize on an opportunity and launch a business. If you’re unfamiliar with Lopez, he advises many multimillion-dollar businesses and is a social media marketing expert. In the last year, his Facebook following has grown from 600,000 to over six million.

“Thanks to modern technology, it’s possible to go from idea to paying customers within a short amount of time,” Lopez explains. “But most never get started because it’s overwhelming.”

Here’s how to get started:

1. Pick an idea that works for you.

“Most people think they know what they’re good at,” wrote Peter Drucker in Managing Oneself. “They are usually wrong.”

“That’s the most important principle I ever learned,” says Lopez. “A lot of entrepreneurs can’t figure out why their business is failing. But you can only build on strength. ‘Doing what you love’ usually only works for hobbies. Don’t build a business around your weakness.

“I love basketball, but I’m not good enough to play professionally. If I tried to pursue it as a career, I’d fail financially. So, I play basketball as a hobby but build businesses around things that come naturally to me: public speaking, making videos, and social media marketing.”

Lopez says take the time to become more self-aware. “If you’re talkative and like asking questions, maybe start a podcast or host events. If you’re organized, becoming a virtual assistant can be lucrative.”

2. Spot trends.

Another reason why startups fail, according to Lopez, is because the founder ignores trends. 

“For example, small businesses struggle with social media. More adults are ditching college for jobs. People want practical skills to get paid immediately. So, I created a multimillion-dollar business that teaches people how to manage social media for small businesses.

“View problems as opportunities to help people out. You’ll earn money as a reward for your solution and get paid in proportion to the problems you solve.”

3. Launch quickly.

Lopez shares what his first mentor, Joel Salatin, told him at 19 years old: “Tai, sometimes good enough is perfect.”

This philosophy means building prototypes that are just good enough versions to test in the market. “The biggest mistake new entrepreneurs make is creating something that no one wants to buy.

“By using prototyping, you focus on creating something that people will pay for, quickly and cheaply. ‘Speed of launch’ combats procrastination. We procrastinate because of perfectionism about the initial launch. Then we lose interest, and the project never gets off the ground.”

Never forget: Good enough is perfect.

4. Pivot around what customers want.

Lopez explains how entrepreneurs can learn a lot from Apple and Kodak. The iPhone has continually evolved from user requests and continues to dominate the smartphone market.

Conversely, although Kodak was the top photography brand for over a century and once “sure bet” stock, they ignored early warnings and didn’t pivot fast enough for the digital world. By 2012, the company went bankrupt.

“When it comes to growing your business, don’t fall in love with your idea. The idea gets you started but be willing to change. Improve your idea through experiments and tests. Otherwise, you’ll fail.”

5. Optimize your pricing.

“Most businesses get their pricing structure wrong,” says Lopez.

“In the book ‘Smart Pricing,’ two Wharton professors analyzed all the things you can do for positive repercussions for your business. Optimizing price is first. Most businesses’ prices are way too low or high.

“If you study economics, it’s the study of allocating scarce resources. Unless you’re a Saudi sheikh, most people only have a limited amount of money.

“So, focus on testing different prices to ensure demand for your offer. If people won’t pay a penny, shut the business down or do a massive pivot.

“But if the product sells well—or you can charge a premium price over similar products in the market—you’re ready to scale.”

6. Scale.

To scale, Lopez says you need two things: viral free marketing and paid advertising. But your product has to be good for it to work.

“The billionaire Charlie Munger said, ‘You can’t polish a turd.’ Some people try to advertise a turd idea. It doesn’t work.”

But you can polish a good idea. “If your idea is good, employ some controversy, humor, and drama in your marketing for free virality.” Lopez recently uploaded a highly provocative Instagram post to market his clothing line. 

“Once you have a hit product that’s going viral, invest in paid boosting. Most people try to boost too early, which is an expensive mistake. You’re trying to boost something that people don’t resonate with.”

7. Use a trainer.

Lopez recognizes that all world-class performers use trainers, coaches, and mentors. He applies the same principle to his own life. His basketball coach, Pooh Richardson, was an NBA pro basketball player for 10 years. His personal trainer is 2016 Mr. Olympia, Danny Hester. And his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu coach is Rigan Machado, widely regarded as one of the top competitors in the sport’s history.

“Regardless of the business you start, a mentor answers the stuff you can’t find online. They’ll cut your learning curve by years. Their personal experience calms and guides you through.

“There are three options when getting trained: in person (the best), online or books (easiest), or none (avoid).”

If you want to learn how to start your business in one to eight weeks, Lopez is offering a free training video on his website for Entrepreneur readers.

How to Win an Argument, According to Science (Infographic)

How to Win an Argument, According to Science (Infographic)

With a few simple tricks, you can consistently be on the winning side.
How to Win an Argument, According to Science (Infographic)
Image credit:

Courtneyk | Getty Images

Online Editorial Assistant

an hour ago

Whether you’re right or wrong, winning an argument can be a challenge. Luckily, with a few simple tricks, you can learn how to debate like a pro.

For starters, rather than coming off aggressively, start a conversation. Having a two-way discussion will show the other person that you’re open to hearing their ideas, and in turn, they’ll likely be eager to hear yours. You should also always let them speak first and ask them open-ended questions.

Related: How Arguments Can Move a Business Forward

Next, mirror your opponent and mimic the way they are positioned. Be sure not to make it too obvious, but if you see them sitting cross-legged, then do the same. According to research, people are more likely to believe someone who is positioned the same way as them. Of course, always make direct eye contact, and once they’re finished speaking, repeat some of the most important points they were trying to make so you know that you fully understand their point of view.

Related: Science Says These 9 Tactics Will Help You Win Any Argument

Now it’s your turn. When it comes to making your case, make sure you have all of your facts straight, use evidence such as studies to support your argument, end your questions with affirmative questions such as “right?” and “wouldn’t you?” and of course, never raise your voice.

To learn how you can always win an argument, check out SavingSpot’s infographic below.

Rose Leadem

Rose Leadem is an online editorial assistant at Entrepreneur Media Inc. 

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5 Ways to Make Your Small Online Business Appear Bigger

5 Ways to Make Your Small Online Business Appear Bigger

As the owner of a startup or small business, there’s a certain stigma that comes with your size and lack of experience in the marketplace.

5 Ways to Make Your Small Online Business Appear Bigger

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Content Provider


August 11, 2017

This story originally appeared on Due

When Kevin Plank first launched his now billion-dollar company Under Armour, one of his biggest challenges was conveying a professional image. He didn’t want people to know that he was working out of his grandmother’s basement. So he did everything possible in the beginning to make his small online business appear bigger.

He even carried around multiple business cards so that he could play to whatever audience necessary. Can you can relate?

Are you facing the startup stigma?

As the owner of a startup or small business, there’s a certain stigma that comes with your size and lack of experience in the marketplace. Have you experienced this personally?

Perhaps you resonate with Kevin Plank and Under Armour and are currently working out of a garage or basement while trying to hustle your way to your first few sales. Or maybe you’ve been around for a couple of years, but just can’t seem to get people to listen.

Right or wrong, the problem with being small is that people have been conditioned to think that size is directly correlated to quality/reliability/cost. They assume that, because you don’t have a big office with a full roster of employees, you must not be professional. This impression comes from the thousands of other tiny businesses and small startups that have failed over the years.

Random businesses that were small but appeared bigger

Do you know what Disney, Apple, Lotus Cars, Harley Davidson, Google, Mattel, Hewlett-Packard, Amazon, Maglite and the Yankee Candle Company all have in common? They were all small companies started in a garage by an entrepreneur with very little business acumen.

The marketplace forgets about stories like these and, as a result, continues to perpetuate the startup stigma. Unfortunately for you, this puts your company behind the proverbial 8-ball.

As you’ve figured out by now, the biggest point of contention in your pursuit of growth is the old chicken and egg dilemma. It’s hard to scale your business without money. The only trouble is that it’s difficult to make money when you don’t have experience. Ironically, you can’t gain experience unless you pick up clients, yet they want to see that you have a large, successful operation before giving you money.

If you don’t figure something out, you’ll end up spinning your wheels forever, never gaining any traction. While an innovative product and a willingness to hustle will take you a long way, it’s important that you tackle your image sooner rather than later. Starting from the bottom may make for a good story in a few years, but right now it could be holding you back.

5 Practical ways to make your online business appear bigger

According to Steven Howard of Howard Marketing Services, corporate image management is built on the idea that, “Everything an organization does, and does not do, affects the perception of that organization and its performance, products and services. These perceptions affect its ability to recruit the financial resources, people and partnerships it needs to attain its goals and objectives.”

While there’s nothing wrong with being a small business — in fact, small businesses are often assumed to have better customer service and considered more trustworthy — you don’t want other people and organizations to confuse your size with a lack of professionalism or potential. That’s why you need to invest in image management.

You need to start thinking about your business from a third party vantage point. If you were looking at your business from the outside, what would your impression be? If you’re being honest, it’s possible that your business might look erratic, unprepared or inexperienced.

The good news is that, as long as you have a good business idea and a willingness to work hard and do whatever it takes to grow, you can fake it until you make it.

It’s never been easier to convey a professional image, while still remaining small and nimble. Let’s take a look at some specific tips, strategies and techniques:

1. Use a virtual office.

Working out of a garage, basement, spare bedroom or cramped office is totally acceptable. If it saves you money and allows you to put all of your resources into building the company, then it’s smart to remain as lean as possible.

But what happens when you get a meeting scheduled with a big-time sales prospect or investor and they want to swing by your office? Giving them your home address isn’t very professional. You need a more sophisticated image.

One solution is to use a virtual office. Depending on where you’re located and what you need, you can usually rent a virtual office for a few hundred dollars or less per month. Some even come with added services.

Take Jay Suites in New York City as an example. When you rent one of their virtual offices, you get a prestigious Manhattan mailing address, a local phone number, the ability to book conference rooms, access to a reception area and break room and an array of portable office services that allow you to work remotely from anywhere.

Depending on the plan you choose, a virtual office costs anywhere from $75 to $499 per month. That’s pretty good bang for your buck!

2. Create a domain-specific email address.

Your website says a lot about your company. But there’s one mistake that entrepreneurs and business owners keep making. Despite having a domain name that aligns with their brand, they continue to use a generic Gmail or Yahoo email address. Not only is this lazy, but it screams “unprofessional.”

For just a few dollars a month, you can create a domain-specific email address. So, instead of telling clients to reach you at Joey39402@gamil.com, you can simply ask them to shoot you an email at Joey@mycompany.com.

3. Pay for professional branding materials.

Even if you don’t have a big marketing budget, you can (and should) invest in some professional branding materials. For your online presence, this means investing in a quality logo, good images and powerful graphics. Offline, basic things like business cards, letterhead, presentation materials, banners and signs can all be purchased at very low prices.

4. Build up your social media following.

When people research your company and try to figure out who you are and what you do, they’re going to check out your social media following. If you have 37 followers, they’re going to be a little skeptical. However, if you have 3,700 followers, then there’s a greater chance they’ll take you seriously.

Building your social media following isn’t easy — however, it’s necessary. There are tons of techniques that people swear by. One of the best is to network with influencers that are involved with your target customer base.

“Pick 3-5 influencers and engage with their content. Write comments, engage in their community, and don’t be afraid to ask them questions,” entrepreneur Bhavik Sarkhed suggests. “By doing this you will put yourself and your profile on the radar of the influencer and their followers. This visibility will land you a bigger following but also put you on a path to become an influencer yourself.”

It’s also important that you remain consistent. You can’t post five times one day and then not share anything for two weeks. Try posting once or twice per day, every day, in addition to regularly interacting with followers and comments.

5. Use the right automation tools.

One of the awesome things about the internet tech boom is that there are lots of powerful automation tools. Many of these tools are free, or extremely affordable. Most give you the ability to handle larger scale responsibilities without committing a ton of resources and time.

If you have a task that needs to be streamlined, chances are, there’s an automation tool available. Common responsibilities that small businesses automate include project management, social media, customer service, employee scheduling, accounting and HR. For a look at some of the top automation tools that companies are currently using, check out this list.

Use the resources you have

The goal here isn’t to lie or be deceitful. If anyone directly asks you about your company and how many employees you have, tell them. Honesty is the best policy when building a business. Remember that growing a business is just as much about branding, market positioning, and image management.

You have access to tons of different tools and resources. The same ones entrepreneurs like Kevin Plank could have only dreamed of when first starting their businesses. Make sure you’re taking advantage of these opportunities and doing everything within your power to boost your image.

Bigger isn’t always better. I’ve found a strong image can get you a long way. Especially in the early days of running a small business or startup.

(By Serenity Gibbons)

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Due is a payments, eCash, online invoicing, time tracking, global payments and digital wallet solution for freelancers, small business owners and companies of all sizes.

It���s okay. You���re allowed to be wrong. – Gapingvoid

August 10, 2017

It’s okay. You’re allowed to be wrong.

Grown Up


It’s no wonder we’re afraid to be wrong.

As kids, being wrong meant lower scores on tests – which meant no college, which meant no job, which meant…

Well, we never let it get that far. We were too afraid.

Figuring out how to be wrong and live to tell the tale takes guts. Especially in the workplace. But it’s not just about what we’re willing to do — it’s about who’s around to support us.

That’s why we need to guarantee psychological safety for our teammates.

If we want people to make brave choices, we have to allow them to be wrong. A teammate who’s never secure in their position, or who feels like they have a foot out the door — that’s not who’s going to make your big choices and changes.

There’s no more detention or hall passes or whatever they used to threaten us with.

Now it’s just about doing things that make a difference.

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